
Team EFA Makes For A Mare-y Month of May!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Etsy for Animals (also known as Team EFA) is a wonderfully diverse group of creative souls that have banded together through Etsy to help animals. I am happy to announce that Epic Farms has been selected as EFA's Charity of the Month for May 2009. HOORAY! Participating shops will donate a portion of their proceeds for the entire month of May; what a blessing! To see some of the wonderful handmade items available for purchase from EFA members please click here.

April brought with it torrential rains that exacerbated our ongoing battle against erosion (see pics below). Over one two day time period, we were hit with over 12" of rain - can you say "whitewater"? Sheesh. The following week brought more storms with high winds that cost Rina and Taya their roof. Thankfully we did not lose any trees in the pasture, especially along the fence line (always a worry). We had a very industrious mole zipping around out there for awhile a couple of years ago and that little booger tunneled everywhere! Because we have lost so much topsoil to the rains, the areas where Mr. Mole created his little underground habitat are now collapsing and leaving dangerous pits everywhere...

On behalf of the Moo Crew and The Girls (and us bipeds too! :o) we would like to offer a special Thank You to Meghann Gervais of Little Studio Photography and Jewellery for nominating us and of course a big fat Thank You to Team EFA for selecting us. Horsey hugs and happy thoughts to you all!

If you would like to pitch in with a donation, please visit us on the web at: Epic


  1. I am so happy to help you with EFA this month, how wonderful ;0) Hoping we can help raise awareness and funds for your repairs and great work with the animals! ;) Michele

  2. Yay EFA! Yay Epic Farms! I hope we can help get a roof back over Taya's head, and maybe get some soil back where it belongs :)

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