
Merry Christmas to all...

Friday, December 25, 2009

If you have never seen this before it's spectacular - Enjoy!

Amazing Grace Techno - Computer Controlled Christmas Lights from Richard Holdman on Vimeo.

The turkey's in the oven (and there's another on the couch :o) So I'm off to bake a Chocolate Turtle Cake for dessert (mmmmmm).

 The horses were all feeling froggy this morning, bouncing around like two year olds on Christmas morning after a stocking full of candy :o) Why?
Well, because...
<-- Look! Look! Look We finally had a visit from Jack Frost; I think he got lost trying to find us this year.  This has been the strangest winter thus yours way off the mark?

So what do you get for a herd of horses for Christmas anyway? Well, I have to say that they are fairly easy to please and a snap to shop for...
(and don't worry, we wash them well and cut them up before handing them out at supper).

Woo!  Yummy :o)

Um, I would like to be able to say that the following photos are a direct result of consuming too much holiday Eggnog on my part, but since I don't drink the stuff I guess I'll just admit to a personal problem with random silliness...

The confused looking horse in the background is none other than Miss Sarabear, who was wondering what on earth we were doing - particularly since Rina and Taya actually put their heads down for me to put the earmuffs on them (er, I guess that makes it a tad obvious that this is not exactly my first time being slightly silly...)

Don't forget the REAL reason for the season... 

Happy birthday Jesus!


  1. Those lights are incredible! Merry Christmas to you and your family! Enjoy the Chocolate Turtle Cake!

  2. BeadedTail: Aren't they wonderful? I thought it was worth sharing even if it wasn't horse related (oh, and the cake? It was delicious! urp. :o)

    Grey Horse: Thank you so much, and I really enjoyed your blog!

  3. FishHawk: Yes, it gives me goosebumps too (it's the good kind though :o)

  4. Those lights are terrific. And the ear muffs are wonderful. The horses don't seem to mind them. Looks like the horses had a super Christmas with all those apples.

  5. Marg: They don't mind the earmuffs at all. Taya actually wandered off to poke her nose in Lady's empty feed bucket while still wearing them :o) Of course not having fur lined ears myself, I asked to have them back...

  6. Thank you for your kind words Daily!

  7. I love random silliness, although it usually produces strange looks from the turkey on my couch :)

  8. Thank you Ann - I will admit that some days the affliction seems to be of the chronic sort :o)

  9. Those lights are great. My mom would be in heaven seeing those. I think the lights are one of her most favorite things about Christmas. I hope you had a good Christmas.

  10. Rick: Thanks for the comment!
    Ratty: I love the lights at Christmas too :o) We had a small but very nice Christmas with family, thanks!

  11. Very cool video! Nice horse muffs too. ;-)

  12. As much as I enjoyed the lights I can't imagine having to set it all up and take it down, can you? I wonder where he keeps it all. I read (heard?) somewhere that he now has three volunteers to help with the traffic, because there are so many visitors. Thanks for the comment Sharkbytes!

  13. just dropping by to wish you a very Happy New Year.

  14. Thank you Ann! A very happy New Year to you [and Duke] too :o)

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