OH you just don't know how much I've missed you guys... I'm so happy to finally blog again! *SQUEEEE* [ahem] Sorry. Okay, so this was actually supposed to be a back to school post last August, but I've obviously had to rethink that now that school is almost over (can you say WOOSH with whiplash?!? *facepalm*). In honor of final exams, I've decided to offer a multiple choice quiz to see if you can guess what caused such a lengthy disappearance. I should tell you that my dear friends Lori and Sandy have both stopped just short (and not by much, either ;o) of reading me the riot act for being gone from the blogosphere for so doggone long. Clancy even sent me a message via Facebook to make sure I was still in one piece. Aren't friendships just the most marvelous blessing?

Okay, so what on earth have I been DOING all this time anyway?
Well, I was...
A) bidding a sad farewell to our Sarabear, who had to leave us.
B) learning to let go and let God (with a dash of hysteria) when our daughter suddenly "declared" her independence by leaving home unexpectedly.
C) trying to help my dad with my mom who was diagnosed with Dementia, and spend more time with both of them.
D) recovering from the shock of learning I was gluten intolerant and attempting to find my way around the massive GF learning curve.
E) getting diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, then Osteopenia.
F) going totally off the dietary deep end: Me go Paleo. UG.
G) completely reconfiguring (then re-reconfiguring) my daily routine in an absolutely unsuccessful attempt to make it all work and still be able to write my posts.
H) learning how to use essential oils and natural ingredients to make my own deodorant, lotion, shampoo, hair color and horse stuff.
I) discovering that dirt was really good for you, so I started eating it.
J) All of the above.
Of course for those of you who know me, this is pretty much a no-brainer. I even gave you a tiny hint via initial (and now that I've said all that, I'm thinking any random stranger stopping by should know what the answer is as well, right? ;o)
I am sorry for being gone for so long without a word; I meant to add a short "I'll be back" post at some point, but I never did get to it. I'm going to try to get back into visiting everyone's blogs and posting here more regularly over the summer, although I may find myself cutting back once school starts in the fall. Pretty sure a huge chunk of this summer will be dedicated to updating a ton of web stuff and finally getting my house in order, which is a total disaster area. Yeesh, WHATTA MESS! Methinks I might just need to redecorate this blog while I'm at it, too. *laugh*
Happy-Happy-Happy hugs!
Welcome back…. no wonder it has taken so long, it seems like you have been to Hell and back - multiple times! You have had far too many tough things going on. I hope your summer slows down a bit!
ReplyDeleteA) I'm here and reading B)of course I still remember you. As a matter of fact I was just wondering the other day where you've been and hoping everything was ok. Guess I should have hoped a little sooner :)and C)If you saw my house you would know how much I like cobwebs.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back
Welcome back! Since you were gone I had a baby. Life-changing is an understatement!
ReplyDeleteDreaming" Thank you. One of my favorite standard [slightly acerbic] comments is, "Who needs soap operas when you've got my reality?" True that. Hee ;o)
ReplyDeleteAnn: *laugh* I've missed you - I'm off to visit Duke momentarily. Thanks for the welcome.
Val: GEEZ. I leave for a little while and you people go crazy on me. *grin* Many congratulations to you and yours!!!! Throw in a little happy dance for good measure ;o) Guess I'd better get busy reading so I can catch up.
:) Welcome back, I've been wandering past every month or so hoping everything was ok.
ReplyDeleteHello Sweetie!! Welcome back! It sounds like you have had a lot of things going on. It's good to take a break and focus on what you need to.
ReplyDeleteWishing you a most wonderful June Jen!
xo Catherine
Well welcome back .
ReplyDeleteI have a thyroid condition call Hashimotos which is in the realm but also a type of auto immune disease where the thyroid attacks itself ... eek . I muddle through though . lol Take care of yourself I know Thyrois issues can throw you for a loop. Hopefully we will see more of you ~ your funny :))
Clancy: I sent you a message back on Facebook the other day - I was still working on the post and didn't want to leave you hanging. Thank you so very much for asking after me :o)
ReplyDeleteCatherine: Thanks for the wishes and the welcome. Since school lets out in June, I'm thinking it will definitely be wonderful. *grin*
Willow: Thank you so very much! Happily, Hashimoto's is one autoimmune issue I managed to avoid (although I do have an entire collection of 'em *sigh*) I'm planning to work my way down the list (A through I) over the next couple of weeks to share some of what I've learned. I'll be sure to include something in there about Hashimoto's just for you. I hope to see you again soon!