
Half full or half empty?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's all a matter of perspective really...
The Good News was
I have a great digital camera that I use all the time. 
The Bad News is
I had a great digital camera that I used to use all the time.
We went to the rodeo last weekend (I always root for the horses), it's usually pretty good for some family-friendly entertainment. With the exception of the "Grand Entry", that is, which always makes my left eye twitch. Actually, I call it Idiots on Parade with 300+ horses pouring into the arena at a gallop (and let me just add that not all the riders can ride, nor are they all sober). This was a banner year, as only five folks hit the ground (fell off) and there was one false alarm. Some guy hit the ground deliberately and went down on one knee to propose amid all that chaos (I'm thinking he was part of the non-sober crowd, but you never can tell :o) 
The temperature was easing toward cool as the sun went down, so I laid my folded jacket across my lap for some warmth and to give me a handy place to keep my camera. Full hands are not conducive to signing, so I'd pick it up for a shot or two and put it down again either on my lap or in the bag by my leg to keep it secure while I interpreted bits and pieces of what the announcer was talking about to DD. Above is my attempted shot of the Grand was kind of far for my little camera and had lots (and lots) of motion...
Anyway, there I was up in the stands with a gazillion other folks, casually taking pictures here and there; I think the one on the right was probably my best shot. As I was shooting, I was thinking I might get a couple worth posting on the blog, and wishing a little wish that I had that cool sports feature on my camera (for all these high action shots I was going for) and maybe a little bit more oomph to my zoom too. I signed a little more, then a breeze came up and I decided to cover my legs a little better with the jacket. I glanced down at my lap checking for the camera before moving my coat, but it was empty. Thinking I had stuck the camera back in the bag, I picked up the jacket and...BAM! In less than 8 seconds my camera was GONE. Turns out the camera had shifted just enough that it was tucked up underneath the sleeve of my jacket and completely hidden from view (of course this critical piece of information registered right about the time it was too late).
On an interesting side note, it would seem the camera had something to say about it's own untimely demise. My Canon SX120 Powershot's final [slightly scrambled] statement was shot at 8:32p.m. on Saturday, October 9, 2010. This picture of my daughter's foot and the bleachers was apparently taken on its way down when the camera bounced off the seat in front of us with a resounding crack (I think it had already gone into shock, since the date should NOT be up on the side of the photo), I hope it didn't suffer. It struck the slat at my feet with a solid clunk before dropping through the bleachers to hit the ground [way down] below. Actually, I think I suffered enough for the both of us; I was beyond devastated. I couldn't believe the camera that I had waited so long for was gone, just like that. I sat there for a moment - frozen in shock and disbelief - torn somewhere between throwing up and bursting into tears (to DH's relief, I managed to refrain from doing either). For those of you who weren't here for that big bad purchase in January, click here to read the post. Other than being able to rescue the smart card, my wonderful "new" digital camera was history. Which leaves me with...
The Good News: I need to get another camera right away.
The Bad News: I need to get another camera right away.
ALL of the pictures on this blog, our website, and many of those on my umpteen lenses on Squidoo are/were taken with that camera. Clear photographs of the items up for sale in the Etsy shop are also a critical factor, as are progress reports for our donors. In other words I use the camera almost every single day, and it is definitely an integral part of the non profit. I had some grand picture plans lined up for this week, too. I've started teaching DD how to use the video mode (which you all know I've already been using), and had countless other "meaning to take" photos I was going to knock out during fall break this week. It's way to big an expenditure for our little non-profit to handle, although I did consider it for almost a full 10 seconds before rejecting it as an option (hey, I was desperate, and that's pretty much all I use it for anyway). Okay scratch that for a funding source, so what am I going to do now?
The Good News: Cameras have improved considerably since January; there are some phenomenal digital options out there.
The Bad News: My pocketbook has not improved since January, my financial abilities are definitely limited (so, you want your old film camera back or are ya gonna just use the cell phone? Pick one sistafriend *sniffle*). 
- BUT -
The Good News is: I have a great husband who feels extremely sorry for me right now, and he sometimes gives gifts in advance combining birthday and Christmas if it's a big one (oh-Ho-HO).
The Bad News is: I've done some research and I think it would be a good idea to upgrade just a little bit; what do you think, honey? (uh-oh-Ummmm).
Since I am pretty sure that a gift of this magnitude should be covered by WAY more than just my paltry little birthday and Christmas, I thought tossing in a few more holidays might help my cause. Here is a proposed list (with justifications in parenthesis) of the covered holidays over the next three month period:
For This Month:
1.Columbus Day (because I am on fall break and it will - hopefully - be official camera-purchase day);
2.Eleanor Roosevelt's birthday (to make it a birthday twofer, I really don't think she'll mind); 
3.National Grouch Day (in honor of DH, although I'm not telling him about this one until after we go get the camera);
4.Dictionary Day (for fellow lexophiles and because I use it to doublecheck words which are sometimes used in the description of my photographs);
5.American Craft Week (since I photograph most of my crafts);
6.National Apple Month (goes with the horses who I take frequent pictures of, and I did photograph a bucket of apples once);
7.Polish American History Month (because Lady is a Polish Arabian American and she has quite a history).
For Next Month:
8.National Model Railroad Month (because I sometimes take photos of my dad's iron horses - er, trains); 
9.National Candy Day (I use the camera to photograph step by steps for my lenses on Squidoo - my Candy Day lens is here);
10.Parade Day (because if I ever go to a parade I will probably take pictures);
11.National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day (um a participation pass, but the front of my fridge is covered with photos, so I'm counting it);
12.Thanksgiving (I photograph the food and sometimes the folks - proof of that is here :o)
In December:
13.National Fritters Day (since I can fritter away LOTS of time photographing stuff; and I'm exercising artistic license on the word usage);
14.National Brownie Day (hey, it's chocolate);
15.Nobel Peace Prize Award Day (because if I can't take pictures anymore, I am pretty sure there will be no peace in this house);
16.Chocolate Covered Anything Day (again I say: Chocolate);
17.Humbug Day (in honor of my camera's tragic and untimely death);
18. Christmas (of course).
Well, that about wraps it up; that's 18 Jen-u-whine (that was WAY too good bad  punny to pass up, sorry) holidays that will be covered by this purchase. I'm thinking that oughtta do it, don't you? Now I'm off to take my list of holidays to DH which will [hopefully] help me plead my case; I'll let you know what happens, 'kay? I think I'll take a page out of MiKael's book, and just say To be Continued. Mwah-ha-ha...


  1. It makes me so sad that your camera got broked :(

  2. Oh no, not the camera, say it isn't so. Can I send flowers? Will there be a service with an open casket? I think if I dropped my camera I would have to be hospitalized or tranquilized or something. I do think that you are sufficiently armed with enough holidays though to make your request for an upgrade

  3. Oh no! I have a dream camera, and momentarily felt your pain. I go through separation anxiety. I don't even know how to use the bells and whistles yet, but start twitching when it's not near my body.

    I identify with the holidays. Hudson (my horse) is my every holiday present forever, and I am happy about that! Add them holidays up girl!

  4. Daisy: Thank you; we was feeling berry squished about it :o/
    Ann: I know, can you believe it? You were "here" for the big purchase too , weren't you? (I'm still kind of blinking in disbelief over the whole thing *sigh*). Guess we'll have to see.
    Jane: The first two horses we got I gave my husband a two year sabbatical from all gift giving. Of course now that we have nine, he's kind of debating the wisdom of that brilliant gift idea (and wondering how the heck it happened *grin*)

  5. Too bad your camera suffered an untimely death. I do love all your holidays though, I don't think I could have come up with that many. I'm sure the list will do the trick for a new camera.

  6. GreyHorse: Yes, I was pretty bummed over the whole deal (although a camera is only a thing, it tends to become rather distressing when it's your thing doesn't it? ;o)

  7. I dropped one in a pond while bending over to look at a fish. Racing to the camera shop the owner asked if I was Catholic. I asked why, and he said he knew a priest to call.Before you buy look up the model on a good search engine and see who has the best price, it may surprise you.I just bought 2 and found them at different venders.It can be like losing a friend, I have one with 15,000 pics taken on it in 5 years.A gift can be just because he loves you.

  8. OutOnThePrairie: A pond? Man, that must've been awful! Thanks for the advice, although I must say that 15,000 photos scared me a little :o)

  9. Sorry about the camera.

    That picture of the Chief on the paint with the war bonnet and shield is awesome! What a beautiful animal..and he's pretty cool, too! LOL

  10. Carol: Thanks. Yep, the Chief was phenomenal; I only wish I could have gotten a clearer shot. I will say, though, that I kind of wondered how much the poor guy was sweating underneath that 250lbs of fur he was wearing :o)

  11. Oh crapola. I am so sorry to hear that!!! I will pray you get a new one right away :)

  12. Meghann: Can you believe it?? I have to say that it really hurt my feelings (all of them ;o)

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