
Watch the Birdie!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

**A Picture Happy Post**

Because Jen couldn't finish her intended post. Again. I didn't even get a chance to visit all my favorite blogs or even answer anyone's comments this week; I hope you will all forgive me.

I put up a cedarwood bird feeder awhile back. It took the little birdies about a month to discover it, but when they did it was like grand central station. The first two photos are not so great; I was in the tacky room and shot them through the [dirty] glass, so they're pretty awful. I was extremely excited to see a [tiny] Tufted Titmouse there:

He was followed by Mr. and Mrs. Finch. Anni I could use your expertise here: House Finch or Purple Finch? She looks House, but he looks Purple. Do the two mix and match?

This next one is clearer, since I was outside. I caught this Crow hollering near the very top of a pine tree; probably warning everybody else about the female stalker on the loose down below ;o)

That afternoon, DH came to get me so I could (hopefully) catch a shot or two of a pair of squirrels who were zipping around the pecan trees in the front yard. See him?

AHA! So that's where all the pecans are disappearing to:

I guess he felt like he was being watched, because I only got one more shot of this little guy before he shot down the trunk and scampered off into the sunset. Well, so to speak anyway ;o)

His little partner in crime, however, did not seem to be the least bit concerned and remained in the tree just long enough for me to get one last photo:

Several days later, I managed to get a number of shots of a White Egret (gorgeous fellow!) as he hung out by a neighbor's pond. Even though I was a fair distance away, they still turned out pretty well. I think it's so neat that there is a hint of green near his eyes that almost perfectly matches the grass:

He sure was beautiful! His left foot almost looks like a skeleton's hand though, doesn't it? Kinda creepy, yet cool ;o)

Have a bountiful and blessed week, y'all!


  1. I'd be sending those squirrels a bill. Do they have any idea how expensive those nuts are? Great shots of the egret. Amazing that it can balance on one skinny leg like that

    1. You know, that's not a bad idea. If only I knew where to send the bill.... Thank you. You'd think with my ever so much larger legs (not to mention big old honkin' feet ;o) that I could balance at least that well, if not better. But oh no, not at all. Ha.

  2. Fantastic!!! The squirrels are loving our pecan tree this time of year. But I must say I like your feathered visitors best. Great captures.

    1. Thank you, Anni. I'm hoping once we're finished with everything on the patio that I can hunker down and get some "real" [outside] shots of the birds at the feeder ;o)

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