Hi Everybuddy!
This is Taya posting for Mom (me an Lady R helpin ;o) Mom sed she hadda post something, but couldn't quite get hear. We sed we can doo it. She looked kinda skared, but sed "O.K."
Mom sed she is 'speriencing non-technickel diffy-cull-tees (or somethin like that, N. E. way). An she sed she wood have a coughee and a doe-nut post nex time to tell y'all what wuz going on...it's a LOT. Sorree if we messed up our werds - Mom sed use spill check, but we don't no whut that is.
Taya (the pretty won on the left)
Lady (who dint wanna smile 'cuz she sez the camera maked her look reely FAT :o)